As a part of the Science and Technology promotion programme, ASTEC considers time bound research proposals for financial support, with the following objectives in view:
1. To encourage research and development projects connected with development, management and utilisation of resources of Assam. Projects directed towards need and benefit of bulk of the people with special emphasis on the rural development will be given the priority.
2. To encourage the technologies, which will result in the efficient use and conservation of all resources in general and conventional and non-conventional sources of energy in particular.
3. To encourage young scientists/ technologists to take up R & D activities in general and in the areas mentioned in (1) & (2) in particular.
4. To formulate research proposals in specified areas suggested by the council, Govt. of Assam & other development agencies after proper scrutiny of the subject area.
1. Improvement of agriculture, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry and Fishery.
2. Sericulture, Weaving & Improvement of implements.
3. Scientific study and uses of natural resources.
4. Environment related resources.
5. Renewable Energy Devices and conservation of Fossil Energy.
6. Food preservation and allied activities.
7. Developmental activities related to utilization of indigenous materials for establishment of small scale industries and handicrafts.
8. Health and family welfare.
9. Innovative Irrigation devices and practice.
10. Low cost Housing.
11. Water exploration and purification for rural areas.
12. R & D activities connected with technology Missions & some selected important technologies.
13. R & D activities for improving science and mathematics education.
14. Basic work in a few frontier areas of science resulting in publication(s) of high impact values.
1. Please confine your project to well-defined & specific aspects of a problem which can be studied in depth/completed within three years. However, with sufficient justification the period may be extended to another one year by the Council.
2. While writing a proposal, please ensure that scientific and technical details are clearly spelt out. Generalities may be avoided, as per as practicable.
3. The proposal should be prepared and submitted according to the Formats prescribed in this document.
1. The principal Institution is expected to assume financial and other administrative responsibilities of the project.
2. In case of multi- institutional project the principal Investigator should obtain a formal and clear-cut agreement from the collaborating institutions/scientists. The agreement should be submitted with the proposal.
3. The manpower recruited for the project should be paid as per the rules of the institute and guidelines of ASTEC.
4. It is policy of the ASTEC to maximize the use of equipment, purchased by the grant. Keeping this in view Investigator shall permit the use of spare or idle capacities of equipment procured under the project by bonafide users including Research workers in other ASTEC funded projects. A record of such uses will be kept and submitted with final report by Principal investigator.
5. It is expected that the investigator completes the sanctioned project within time. In case the investigator wishes to discontinue his/her research work, he/she should intimate this with sufficient justification to the Director ASTEC through proper channel. Another research may be suggested by the applicant to continue the project.
6. The grant may be terminated at any time, if the fund has not been properly utilised or the progress is found unsatisfactory.
7. All equipment and store purchased from the grant shall remain with the institution where the research is carried on. However, the Council reserves the right to take over/transfer the equipment(s) & store purchased from the research grant for another research purpose or for any other purpose of the Council.
8. The result of the research work may be published by the investigator(s) duly acknowledging the financial assistance received from the Council. If the applicant/ investigator proposes to make commercial use of the results design, invention etc. based on the work, he/she may do so provided.
9. The Council may attach some other conditions in addition to the above or may keep at abeyance some of the above clauses if considered necessary.
NOTE: The proforma for utilisation certificates, (half-yearly, yearly & final), the progress.
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